Monday, April 13, 2009

Dell Adamo - Should be featured in the next mac commercial

So I'm sure everyone has seen the new Windows commercials that send people to the store with $1000 or $1500 and tell them to buy a laptop, they of course look at mac and say they are too overpriced and the end up with a shiny new HP or Sony. Now I'm not one to ever say that mac's aren't more expensive then windows computers. I've always been under the impression you get what you pay for, so I don't mind spending a bit more for apple products. I also find it interesting that Microsoft would be doing this comparison since they don't build hardware at all, they should be doing commercials comparing OSX to Vista, or the upcoming Windows 7... that would make more sense, but I digress.

I think the next mac commercial could be golden. Set up the same voice over guy, have him say that apple gave a guy $1800 to go to the dell website and buy an ultra lightweight computer with a 13 inch screen. Then end the commercial with him getting the air because the air is cheaper and more powerful than the Dell.

I just got done reading a not too favorable review of the Adamo, calling it overpriced and underpowered, and for a moment, you would think you were reading a mac review. Points were made that you are paying strictly for the looks and build quality of the machine and the components suffer greatly from it. Just found it kind of interesting that Dell would try to compete in this market.

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