Sunday, February 24, 2008

Flock -Your New Favorite Browser?

At least that's how they advertise it. It was enough to grab my attention. So far it's not too bad. It's got a lot of things built in, letting me check email, blog, check feeds, pretty much everything internet is built in to it. Sounds like a swiss army knife of browsers.

I've always been a fan of Firefox. From when I had a windows xp computer, and since I do web work, IE has always been a joke, so I've always preferred Firefox. It really takes a toll on memory usage though, but it's the price to pay. When I moved to the Mac world, I tried using safari for a while, but I never really liked the experience so I stuck with the memory hog Firefox, I also had a short stint with Camino which seemed to marry a lot of what I liked about Firefox without the memory issues, but I ended up going back to Firefox. With Leopard and the release of Safari 3, I've been really happy with it, and I've been using Safari pretty much exclusively.

My school's online courses don't really work well with Safari, so whenever I'm doing school work, I have to switch to Firefox, and I've been using Firefox beta 3, and I really have been liking that, and I actually would say it's about 50/50 with Firefox and Safari.

I grabbed this new one from an ad, and so far it's just okay. I like the idea and direction it's going. It shows the digg feed so I can see what's going on with digg without going to digg. If I had a facebook, which I don't, I would be able to see when people commented me and updated their profiles. When I get new e-mail the browser tells me. With all this stuff going on, it's kinda hard for me to concentrate on just surfing the web. The interface is really busy with a bunch of small buttons that I'm not sure what they do. I'm sure its a work in progress and I'll keep an eye on it, but hey, it got me to post a blog, so it has that going for it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

iPod Touch January Update - No Thanks

So a few weeks ago Apple put out those nifty iPhone apps for the touch which I already had on my jailbroken touch for a few weeks, so I thought it was lame for anyone to drop the 20 bucks on them. Who is going to use their iPod to check their stocks? But I did like the rearranging of the desktop. So I upgraded to the new software, 1.1.3, however skipped the 20 dollar upgrade. Well you don't get the customizable desktop without shelling out the 20 duckets either, so I found someone who already made them available for the jailbroken community, so I went ahead and jailbroke my 1.1.3 touch, and added that software. Everything was fine.

A few days ago, I was rocking out to the touch in my car, and Saves the Day, Under the Boards came on, which I legitimately purchased form the iTunes music store. It didn't play. I didn't hear anything. So I went hunting through my library to find some other stuff that I got legit, and those songs didn't play either.

I went online, and looked around, and figured there was probably some checkbox I had to check or something to get those songs to work. When I plugged my touch in to update it I got the same ol' ad again trying to get me to purchase the space agreed January upgrade, and I politely declined again. This time I was taken to another screen, AGAIN asking me to buy the upgrade. When I clicked the okay button at the bottom (the only button available), I was shot right to the iTunes music store, to purchase their upgrade. I don't want it. okay! leave me alone.

So I get to thinking. Maybe this is cause my touch is jailbroken. Maybe they figured me out. So, I looked around and found out that the only way to un-jailbreak my phone is to hook it into itunes and restore the iPod. Well, I CAN'T DO THAT. Becuase when I hook my iPod up, I'm forced into an endless loop of "Buy the January Update" and I'm never able to get to that nifty "iPod Management Screen" that lets you pick the photos to upload to your iPod and everything. So I went to the delete all information from your ipod option on the ipod to get rid of everything, hoping that maybe that will suffice. Nope. Still trying to sell me the January update.

I went downstairs and hooked it up at this point to my girlfriends macbook which seemed to fix the issue, at least, I was able to restore the iPod. I brought it back upstairs, and I'm getting the same thing.

She didn't upgrade to the new version of leopard that was released today, and she still has the last version of iTunes. I'm guessing that one of those are the culprit for this bug, but now I'm without an iPod until they fix the situation. This is worse than microsoft. Damn.